Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

Cheese Sausage Rolls

This is the first and simple recipe as my lunchbox at campus. This idea came up from my friend (which actually has a secret mission that I can't imagine before, if you wanna know what a secret mission was just continue read lol). So, my friend and I agreed that we brought lunchbox every Tuesday. Before we agreed, I just found this recipe called Cheese Sausage Rolls. By its name, I'm pretty sure that the ingredients are easy to find. You just need:
  • 3 slices of white bread
  • one egg
  • 3 sausages
  • 3 cheese slices
  • Cooking oil sufficiently

How to cook:
First, cut the edges of white bread into small pieces, then blend them with blender. So the edges of white bread became powder. This powder is used to smear the main white bread.

Second, whip the egg and smear to white bread. Next, put a sausage and a cheese slice to a white bread. Then, rolls them.

Third, dip the rolls with whipped egg. After that, smear the powder of white bread that you do at the first step.

Fourth, heat cooking oil in frying pan and fry the rolls until the color changed into yellow.

Fifth, drain them and cut into two pieces then eat them.

This recipe for 6 servings and takes about 15 minutes. It tastes good and I think everyone will be like it. You can also add another ingredient or change a healthy sausages. Sooo, I hope this recipe can help you if you wanna bring lunchbox for yourself, or your child, or even your crush. If you asked about the secret mission, secret must be secret which means anyone don't know about it lol :p


Sabtu, 23 Januari 2016

My crazy thing that I called trip to Tidung Island

Well, this is my crazy trip for the first time in forever. I, myself went to Tidung Island, Kepulauan Seribu, near Jakarta, Indonesia. Yeah just myself. I asked my friends, but they have own business. Moreover I cant wait to see a blue exotic beach and I don't like seeing a lot of people at the beach. For me, it was perfect to relax. Friday was the day that I chose to travel Tidung Island. Why Tidung Island? After researching Tidung Island, I fell in love with its blue sea and I am curious why they called Love Bridge a.k.a Jembatan Cinta.

At around 5 A.M, I took bus TransJakarta from Pinang Ranti to Pluit. Because it was still morning, it's payed only IDR 2000. Because I'm little stubborn, I got off the bus at Pluit stop after 2 hours. It was wrong, the right stop was Penjaringan. So, I had to turn back on foot.

At 7.A.M, I got on the public car B01 to Muara Angke (Kali Adem) harbor and payed IDR 5000. Unfortunately, the car didn't stop at the harbor, so I had to get on Odong-odong or Becak. But I didnt get on that and chose by walk. It's not far actually but the path didn't smell good and was muddy.

Around 7.30, I bought a ticket to Tidung Island IDR 45000 and Insurance IDR 2000. At 7.40 a boat left the harbor. It took 2.5 hours. It's for the first time I was on the boat for more an hour. So, my head was spinning and I threw up once lol :p. It's better when I sleep instead of sit.

At 10 o'clock, I got off the boat and took Becak Motor IDR 20000. It was quite expensive for me, but I didn't have choice and didn't know where Jembatan Cinta was. For native people, it was strange that I went this island alone. But for me, it was not strange as long as I have a dream to make it comes true.

It's quite far to Jembatan Cinta, just turn right from harbor and go straight. I talked to Becak Motor's driver where beautiful places are beside Jembatan Cinta. He said If I turedn left, I woulf find Pantai Pasir Putih and it's perfect to watch sunset. However, it's further than Jembatan Cinta, around 6 km and I had only 3 hours to relax in this beautiful place. So, I decided to stay around Jembatan Cinta, ate Nasi Goreng Kornet IDR 20000, and played at shoreline. By the way, I found why they called Jembatan Cinta.....

I was on cloud nine that day, the wind blew my face softly, the sound of waves was relaxing, and the variaton of blue color was really cool. I almost asleep at gazebo, but someone approached me and talked to me. His name's Untung, his appearance made me a little scared, but how he talked was nice. He guided me around Tidung Kecil and showed me some hidden places. I was so excited, and he took some photos of me and the beach. We talked as long as the trip. It was nice and lucky to meet him, then I asked his number if someday I want to go this place with my family or friends, I just called him and got some discounts. If you wanna get his number, just tell me at comment belows.

There are many things to do in Tidung Island, you can snorkeling, fishing, camping, riding banana boat, and etc. You also can rent a bicycle around IDR 15000 per day. At 1 p.m I came back to harbor and Mr. Untung still guided me and was looking the right boat to Jakarta. I really thanked to him and hope that we meet again, also I hope I come back Tidung Island soon.

Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

Skate this Life

I learnt something from people who was skating on the ice. It's weird, huh? I imagine that the rink was life, the shoes were their abilties and they had same purpose which I defined to survive. There were three types of skaters that I saw: skaters who hit each others, skaters who fell themselves, and skaters who never released their grip.

1. Skaters who hit each others
It's very common to hit each other while skating, but the skaters just stood up again and never mind because they're just have fun and carry on to learn skating again. My perspective is we as human never be separated from problems with our friends, partner, colleagues, even family. Sometimes we just give up and break off, or we hold each other and give solutions in order to carry on this life together.

2. Skaters who fell themselves
There are many skaters who fell themselves because they want to skate well. They always try, try, try, and try again until they can. Although the process is slow, practice and practice make perfect.

3.Skaters who never released their grip.
Fear obstructed the purpose. It was unfortunate their chance to skate well was disappear instantly. They didn't want to fall which obviously the process of learning. As this life, some of us have no confidence to take a risk in order to reach their dreams. They just play safely until they're aware they left behind.

For those types, I realize that I was skaters who fell themselves until I could stand up on my feet and helped my bestfriend, sister, brother, and my mom to skate. My first feeling when I stepped my feet on the ice, I could not control myself. I held somebody that I didn't know and it was ashamed. I almost fell but I tried to carry on until I can skate well. Although my shoes are not comfortable but my thoughts always gave me positive minds that I could skate.  It is okay if I fell because I could stand up again as long as I want. And then I CAN!

I imagine that my thoughts always give positive minds and no fear, I can skate this life and help each other. So, which types of skaters are you? It would be nice if you share your thoughts below!

Thanks for the pain

Apa yang kalian pikirkan ketika membaca judul ini? Aneh? Mustahil? Atau biasa aja? Pernahkah kalian berterimakasih setelah seseorang menyakitimu? Pasti tak banyak orang yang bisa melakukan ini. Respon yang pasti adalah kemarahan yang menyesakkan dada, apalagi jika yang menyakitimu orang yang udah sayang dan dipercaya. Duh, namanya juga manusia pasti punya kesalahan, tapi yang namanya udah kesel biasanya logika ga jalan alias mampet. Rasanya ingin sekali balas dendam biar orang itu tau rasanya disakitin, ya kan? Balas dendam pun ga semudah itu dan kalau pun kamu berhasil melakukannya apa itu akan membuatmu lega? Tidak, justru akan merusak dirimu sendiri. Dirimu yang dilahirkan tanpa dosa dan dalam keadaan sebaik-baik manusia, kini harus rela turun pangkat dari derajat manusia. Bukankah logikanya seperti itu? Akan lebih baik jika kita ikhlaskan mereka yang telah menyakiti kita dan bersyukur kita tidak seperti mereka. Mungkin kalimat ini sulit dicerna dan diterapkan di kehidupan ini, tapi itulah kunci kedamaian di dalam hati.

Nah sampai sini, mungkin ada yang mengira kalau si penulis ini enggak tau apa-apa tentang sakit.  Justru mengenal sakit, penulis ingin membagi sepenggal kisahnya. Saya bukanlah tipe orang yang pandai bergaul, dan hanya mempunyai beberapa teman. Kalau udah klop dan nyaman, biasanya mainnya sama temen itu itu aja yang saya anggap seperti sahabat. Dulu, adalah hal biasa mempunyai perbedaan pendapat sesama teman dan akhirnya akur lagi. Hingga suatu saat ada teman yang menyakiti saya yang bisa dibilang menusuk saya dari belakang. Dia minta maaf, saya maafkan walau badan saya kaku dan dingin namun penuh sesak. Lebih parahnya lagi teman itu mempunyai personality yg kurang siap menerima akibatnya atas yang ia perbuat. Sehingga membuat saya bingung hingga diri saya terpecah. Yang satu kesal dan marah, dan yang satu kasihan dan iba. Jika saya turuti kemarahan saya maka sisi lainnya berontak begitu sebaliknya. Dan saat itulah krisis kepercayaan memaksa saya tak mempercayai siapapun kecuali teman-teman lama. Saat itulah saya diperkenalkan depresi, makan pun jarang, pusing tak henti henti bahkan menyebabkan saya mual dan lemas. Rasanya kayak mau mati. Tapi nyatanya Alhamdulillah saya masih diperkenankan hidup. Saat itu yang saya tau cuma satu, masih ada orang-orang menyayangi saya dan menginginkan saya. Saya lihat ibu saya yang tak pernah lelah membahagiakan saya, saya lihat sahabat sahabat saya yang tak pernah lelah dan bosan mendengarkan cerita saya dan memberikan saran dan nasihat, bahkan ada yang memberikan waktunya untuk hang out bersama, dan yang terakhir saya dapat teman baru. Saat itulah saya sadar, tanpa ada rasa sakit ini mungkin saya tak akan pernah sadar kasih sayang mereka. Tanpa rasa sakit, belum tentu saya bisa menghargai mereka. Tanpa sakit, saya tak akan bangkit. Itulah beberapa kelebihan dari rasa sakit. Cobalah sesekali lihat sisi positifnya dan lihat apa yang akan terjadi.

Selain itu, kalian juga harus mendekatkan sang Pencipta dan apa yang telah menimpa kalian semata mata untuk memperkuat kalian. Tanpa ada rasa sakit, maka tak akan ada kekuatan. Bukankah Tuhan tidak akan memberi cobaan melebihi batas kemampuan hamba-Nya bukan?

Yang terakhir, berikut tips tips agar beban pikiranmu berkurang:
1. Share your stories and thoughts.

Dengan menceritakannya kepada orang lain, bebanmu sedikit demi sedikit berkurang. Perasaan didengarkan akan membuatmu merasa dihargai. Lebih bagus lagi, kalau pendengar punya pengalaman pahit yang sama. Dia pasti punya solusi untuk bangkit dari pengalaman buruknya. Kamu boleh cerita dengan ayah, ibu, kakak, adek, sepupu, sahabat, dan orang orang yang kamu percayai. Atau kalau kamu malu untuk menceritakannya, tulislah di diary, blog, atau apapun selama itu bisa mengurangi beban pikiranmu.

2. Karaoke

Karaoke? Iya karaoke. Percaya atau engga karaoke bisa juga jadi senjata andalan. Lagu-lagunya pun kamu bisa pilih sesuai dengan suasana hati kamu. Ketika kamu menyanyikannya tanpa sadar kamu meluapkan emosimu. Atau bahkan bisa jadi teriak teriak, dan itu malah bagus.

3. Love yourself

 Cintai diri kamu sendiri. Sadar atau engga ketika kamu mulai tak menyukai orang yang menyakitimu, kamu lebih memberikan perhatian kepada mereka daripada kamu sendiri. Pelan tapi pasti kamu merusak diri kamu sendiri karena kamu terfokus dengan berkeinginan balas dendam ke orang-orang itu, atau kamu ingin orang-orang tau rasa sakitmu dengan cara menyakiti orang lain. Jadi, pikirkan baik-baik siapa yang lebih rugi disini, kamu atau mereka?

4. Make your beloved people happy

Setelah kamu mencintai diri kamu sendiri, sekarang lihat ada siapa siapa aja yang tetap bertahan di sampingmu dan mendukungmu. Jika sudah, bahagiakanlah mereka. Kamu akan ikutan bahagia kalau bisa melihat mereka bahagia. Kamu ga perlu ngeluarin uang banyak buat mereka bahagia, cukup hal-hal yang sederhana seperti memasak makanan spesial buat orang tua kamu, atau ngajak hang out bareng sahabat-sahabat kamu.

5. Be grateful

Bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kamu punya, kebahagiaan akan menghampirimu. Jika sulit untuk bersyukur, coba sesekali kamu pergi ke panti asuhan atau tempat yang menampung orang-orang berkebutuhan khusus. Bantulah mereka dan lihat apa yang akan terjadi.


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